Friday 29 April 2011

Upload success

I've been into the IT help desk who have retrieved the file and uploaded it to Youtube and have copied a version of my film to use to finish my evaluation and radio trailer.

Thursday 28 April 2011

resolved short film issues...

We have been trying to upload it over night onto my Youtube Channel but its been 24 hours and we're making no headway

Im heading into college with in the hour to talk to IT department and see if they can help me at all.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Further problems...

Now that my film is finished and sent off, I now need a copy on my computer to finish my ancillary tasks...

We have tried copying the film saved onto the computer we used to export the file onto my computer via:
  • Bluetooth
  • CD/DVD
None of these options seem to be working, I will be going to college and see if anyone can help me get a copy of my film onto my computer so I can finish my work.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Hardware and Software Resolutions!

I brought the macbook into college today and spoke to our computer technician who had copied the files from the original hard drive to the college back up hard drive on from there we were able to export my short film!

It is now saved onto the network ready to be sent off and onto the macbook so I can take it home and use a few essential clips for my evaluation and radio trailer so everything should be finished by the end of the week.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Hard Ware Problem No 4

I borrowed Jake's external hard drive and took it into college so we could copy the files over to it and take the files back to the computer with a version of Final Cut Pro 7 however when I went in to do this I plugged it in and it is READ ONLY on the college computers, the technician said he would have to reformat the hard drive to enable me to use it to store the files on the hard drive but there is too many important files to be able to do that.

However they informed me that they do have a back up hard drive which I cannot take out of college however if I can get the computer to college I will be able to use that hard drive to store my work and connect to the mac so I can export my work.

I have called Ben who says that it will have to be at some point next week because he is busy until then so I will have to get on with the rest of my work until then.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Hard Ware Problem No 3

We have downloaded final cut pro 7 onto the computer and I have the hard drive with all my work on but the computer will not recognize the hard drive, It appears the hard drive can only be recognized by the college computers for some reason. Either way I don't have anything else to store the film on so I have called around and asked my friends whether they have another external hard drive I can store my work on for the time being so I can connect it to Ben's computer.


Has an external hard drive that he has agreed to let me use tomorrow to take into college, copy the files from their hard drive onto his and take it to Ben's so I can export the film.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Software issues - Resolution?

I have spoken to Brett and he said I could use the disks for his version of Final Cut Pro 7 which are at his house nearby and download it onto another mac so I will be able to export it as long as I find someone who is willing to let me use their mac computer for a short while.


Benjamin Newton has recently bought himself a macbook and after calling around he agreed to let me use his computer to export my film and radio trailer so I will be taking the hard drive round to his house along with Brett's version of final cut pro to download onto the computer and hopefully hand my work in by the end of the week!

Monday 18 April 2011

Evaluation - Software problem No1

I went into college today to export my radio trailer and film so I could use extracts for my evaluation however because I edited the sound levels on Bretts mac with Final Cut Pro 7 it means that the college macs cannot read the information as they do not have the latest version of Final Cut.

We tried to export it using Final Cut Express which they have the latest version of but it's not the same format so it won't work.

I could use Brett's computer to export it however he is now back in Derby which is about 130 miles from me and my college!

Thursday 14 April 2011

Evaluation - Editing Day No 3

So far things are going well, I've decided to use parts from filming day one and filming day two because when I filmed in the spare room I spoke more clearly in the first half than on filming day two but the setting looked better when I filmed outside so I have been editing parts of each into my main edit.

I have also been putting together the audience feedback with pictures of the people and what they said about my film which has proved more difficult than I first thought, Even though I've only taken quotes from what they have it still takes up a large amount of screen time to have enough time to read it

I have chosen a scrolling text to help the audience follow what they're saying as well as to add a little variety to editing my evaluation.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Evaluation - Editing day No 2

I used most of my day taking screen shots to use in my evaluation such as

Screen shots of my blog

Screen shot of my magazine article

Screen shot of my script

Screen shot of my shot list

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Evaluation - Editing day No 1

Finally I have started making headway on the final piece of my project, I still need to export my film and radio trailer to a quicktime file so I can use clips in my evaluation but for the time being I have downloaded some clips from the other films I will be using in my evaluation.

I've downloaded realplayer to download all the clips I want to use in my evaluation.

These are some of the films I related to my own in my evaluation.

Two Ladies and a Hill

Gold Top

Booth story

Monday 11 April 2011

Windows Movie Maker

Over the weekend I decided I couldn't wait any longer and so I have started the rough edit for my evaluation on Windows Media Player from home, this program is a very basic editing program and although easy to use it has a lot of issues that Final Cut Pro doesn't but I cant afford to waste anymore time.

Friday 8 April 2011

Hard Ware Problem No 2

I borrowed the hard drive that contains my film and have taken it home to put the files for my evaluation on it and take it into the college to edit it but my computer will not recognize the hard drive! I have spoken to the college technicians who said it would be because I haven't got the correct drives installed but none of the information help because the files are too big to store on my memory stick and I cannot store them on the hard drive either, I am now three days behind schedule already and far behind the rest of my class I will try and find another hard drive to use but if not I will just have to edit my evaluation from home.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Evaluation - Fix No1

I've uploaded the files onto my home computer and downloaded a program to convert the files from .MOV format to a .AVI format in an attempt to help the college computers recognize the file, although it means some of the frames will be watermarked its essential to get the files onto the college computers to use their version of Final Cut Pro or I will be forced to use Windows Movie Maker to edit my entire evaluation.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Evaluation - Edit fail

I went into college today to import my film onto the college computers but for some reason the computers will not recognize the camera, I tried a few different Macs but my digital camera will not show up anywhere on the network. I have taken it home and connected to my home computer but it means I will have to find a way of getting it from my laptop at home onto the computers in college.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Filming day - Evaluation Take Two

After looking back through yesterday's shoot I decided to try another shoot in an outside setting as there is a slight echo on the sound and I think an interesting background might help the quality of my evaluation and make it stand out from the rest. I chose the college grounds on the grass in a more secluded area to film and although you can hear birds etc in the background I think it has worked quite well.

Monday 4 April 2011

Filming Day - Evaluation

I've chosen the spare room in my house to film my evaluation, Its not exactly picturesque but I think the acoustics of a blank room could be beneficial to the sound quality when I begin to edit as I don't want to have to go through the trouble I encountered when editing my short film.