Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Short Film Makers

I decided to do some research on some iconic short film makers in an attempt to help me progress my short story into a short film.

Shane Meadows has built up a very successful career having spent years making short films before his feature length films that made him the name he is in the film industry today. Shane Meadows films are known for being the epitome of gritty British drama, conveying a real depth to the characters and a strong sense of realism in his films which are all aspects I would like to bring alive in my short film.

Where's The Money Ronnie

Directed by: Shane Meadows
12 mins

This is an early short film by Shane Meadows in which four characters give their version on recent events including a robbery, a street fight and two shootings. This film is a critically acclaimed picture and was the cause of Channel 4 funding him to continue making films.

On his official website in Shane Meadows biography it states:
"As Shane looks to future feature length projects, he still likes to return to the creation of short films as often as he can. As This Is England was released in the UK, Shane was busy shooting a short documentary about his life-long friend, the singer/song-writer, Gavin Clark. "

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