Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation - Script Second draft

Today I am taking the advice of my teacher, editing my script into a second and final draft in an attempt to get it filmed and edited as soon as possible

I've received the email and have taken notes to re-write my script.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Evaluation - Script Question 3

Today I have spent answering question 3 which although there is a lot to write about has been quite difficult as I'm not sure I'm writing what the examiners want to hear but I have gone ahead and written a script for it and sent it via email to my teacher to check and proof read it

Evaluation - Script FEEDBACK

Last night I sent my script to my teacher who has proof read it and sent it back to me with a few changes and suggestions...

I'm already behind with my work, as most people are in groups of three or four they are able to hare the work, this means even tough I always try to check and update a script at least three times I will have to edit my script into a second draft and film it as soon as possible to keep it up to date.

Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluation - Script Question 2 - Part 2

I have written a more in-depth description on the media products I use and have arranged them into script format, this looks harder than it is as it can be difficult to remember every single media product used in the past 5 months to create such a broad project and then arrange them into a script with some form of structure but the best way is to separate it into three sections...

(Planning and Research)
(Filming etc)
(editing etc)

Friday 25 March 2011

Evaluation - Script Question 2

My response to Question 2 seems reasonably easy to write, using a list I have written of all the Media products I have used I have been able to elaborate a little bit to give some information on how I used them and how it worked with my project.

Theres a long list and I'm not sure if I'll be able to include it all but I will expand on them all and pick the one to use when filming and editing my evaluation.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Evaluation - Script Question 1

So far I have started my script  and its already coming along quite well, I'm not sure how long its supposed to be but I am finding it quite easy to write a large amount in response to each question...

I have finished the first draft of the first question and I am positive about the rest of the project going at a good pace as long as I stay focused

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Evaluation - Step one

In class we have been through all the questions we have to answer in our evaluation and re-written a simplified version to give us a head start on finishing our coursework and help us understand the ingredients we need to produce to get the marks we want.

·  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

·  How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

·  How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

·  What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We addressed them individually word by word and re-wrote them:

1.    Are the characters, setting, bits of plot, camerawork & editing, music etc in your little film similar to anything in real films, TV, adverts etc? 

2.   Explaining how you used these things, how useful they were, any problems & how you overcame them etc

3.    How do your film, radio trailer & magazine article fit together?

4.    What have people said about your film? Did they understand it? Did they respond in the way you intended? Did they pick on any particular details? 

Friday 11 March 2011

Judgement Day

Today is the day I showed my film to the cast and crew to see whether they were happy with it and if there was anything I could change.

Alun Thurston, my lead actor, who has worked in front and behind the camera before who even lent me a hand on the rough editing, said...
" This project, although the microphones had trouble it shows a lot of time and effort has been involved to try and resolve the problem"

Yasmin Jones, my lead actress, said...
"There is some trouble with a shots being jumpy however the camera work was really well done"

Gemma Marson-May, my supporting actress, said...
"This project, although having troubles with the sound quality, shows a high standard and hard work with the camera work and editing"

Simon Sturt, owner of the Hawthorns Hotel featured in this film said...
"This short film shows indepth character development and plot, although some of the editing maybe jumpy at times I think its a great peice of work"

Brett Sturt, My friend studying Media Studies in university said...
"I would be pleased to show this as my project and as for doing this all on her own I think Rosie and done a very good job"

Beth Patrick, a previous A level Film Studies student said...
"This project shows attention to detail when it comes to pre-production and although the editing could use some work I think it will get a good mark"

Daisy Rendall, The drama student who was initially going to be our supporting actress said...
"I'm really pleased with this film and would loved to have been a part of it, it offers some fantastic roles for actors to play as well as a lot of guidance into the underlying tones of the film"

Thursday 10 March 2011

Balancing the sound levels

Me and Brett Sturt met up today and spent the entire day balancing the sound levels, it was a laborious task but essential to getting my film a better mark, we managed to make the sound a similar level most of the way through and did our best to make the quieter shots as loud as possible but this late in my course there is no chance of being able to shoot them again so we'll just have to make do.

At least this means I will now be able to complete my radio trailer and finish my work in time for my teachers to mark it before it gets sent off to the invidilators.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

March - Schedule

Issues that put me behind schedule:

  1. Losing one of our actresses set us two weeks behind filming schedule
  2. Having to organize an extra filming day set us one more day behind schedule
  3. The editing suite being booked up in the two afternoons of the days we spent trying to edit
  4. The sound levels needing to be balanced has put us a week behind schedule
Over all these set backs are proving difficult however it is important just to work around it and come up with a new schedule...

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Products Available

Brett Sturt will be back from university to help me manage the sound levels on my project in two days and has agreed to lend me his mac-book pro

This mac-book also comes equipped with the latest version of Final Cut Pro amongst other software used for similar media editing.

 With both of these products at my advantage we should be able to get back on track fairly soon and submit my main project for marking

Monday 7 March 2011

Brett Thomas Sturt

So far we have had a few set backs that have set us behind schedule a few weeks...

Luckily one of my friends is coming home from university on the 10th of March, where he doing a degree in Media Studies and has offered to help me balance the sound levels on my film edit.

Brett Sturt

Brett is currently in his second year in university in Derby and is working on radio projects for the time being.

Brett has offered to show me how to edit the sound levels so my radio trailer should be back on track in the next few days.

Friday 4 March 2011

Radio Trailer - issues


Through editing extracts of my film into my radio edit I have recognized that the sound levels need to be balanced before I continue otherwise it may be noticeable in my film and even more so with the radio trailer. As the radio trailer is solely focused on the audio editing it is essential that I work as hard as possible to edit the sound levels as best as i can to use in my project.

This means I will have to put my radio trailer on hold until I manage to sort out the sound on my main film edit which could prove difficult as I have never really had issues with sound before so I am not fluent in the knowledge of how to fix this issue.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Radio Trailer step 1

So far my radio trailer is coming along well I have replaced the visuals with a background picture I will be using for scenes in my evaluation

I have inserted the text 'RADIO TRAILER' over the top of this background picture to help present this piece of my work so there is no confusion.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Radio trailer research

For my radio trailer I have been trying to do some research and trying to find other films that have radio trailers. From what I can find there aren't many, I found one for the new Fast and Furious 5 and one for a Romantic Comedy but from what I've heard I think I should manage to create one without many examples to base it on.

There are three ways I could create my radio trailer:

  1. Using mostly extracts from my film to build up the plot line with an introduction of the film name.
  2. Using peoples comments on the film to take up the reel time with a short explanation of the film
  3. An introduction to the film with talk of it being an award winner and a 'must see' 

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Radio Trailer

So far I have been researching programs to use to create my radio trailer I have found a few options, We can use final cut pro, final cut express or the sound recording equipment in college such as soundtrack pro.


Soundtrack pro is known for audio editing software but I have never used it before and I'm not sure its necessary to go through the lengthy process of learning how to use the software for a project that I could easily complete on a version of Final Cut that I know how to use.


Final cut pro is video editing software however I feel well acquainted with it now and would feel more comfortable using software I have used before.


Final cut express is a more simple version of Final cut pro, It appears to have everything I need to complete my radio trailer therefore I do not see the point in using Final Cut Pro or Soundtrack Pro to create this part of my project when Final Cut Express has everything I need to make it.