Thursday 10 February 2011

Practice on writing my magazine article

I have chosen to proposition myself with the task of writing a review for a Hollywood film in order to prepare myself to write my own article and get some hands on practical work behind me before I complete the important task of writing a magazine article for my own film.

I chose 'Machete', a recent blockbuster as it has iconic themes and characters as well as a famous cast with plenty of action, drama and emotion over the course of its 105 minutes of running time.

'He knows the score, He gets the women, He kills the bad guys' Danny Trejo throws himself into these words as his character in Machete as an old school, hardcore Mexican with a violent history and increasingly violent present. The tale unfolds with clips from his past to his present status as a worn out middle aged immigrant searching for work and keeping his head down. However after a predictable run in with his previous arch nemesis from his history as a federal he shows a merciless, ruthless side to him that the audience have been anticipating since the start. Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino bring their own style as an auteur, from camera work to editing its overdone, tacky and predictable but in a way that is Tarantino’s style, coinciding with Rodriguez’ experience in films with south American settings including ‘Dusk till Dawn’ a film that gives the meaning to the word ‘cheesy’ overall this film offers everything it promised, it caters to the needs of its predetermined audience and more than doubled in grossing total compared to the budget.

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