Monday 13 December 2010


Alun Thurston
Alun has studied with Circomedia, a circus college that concentrates on performing arts including acting, He seems perfect for the part of my film as he has already had experience with student films before as well as studying media studies in Strode College for a year.

This is one of the films Alun has been cast in, it shows his ability to hold a neutral or blank expression that I will need him to embody with my film.

Yasmin Jones
Yasmin Jones has almost finished her last year of a Level 3 National diploma Performing arts BTEC in the performing arts college Strode College, A fine young capable woman Yasmin is very likely to do well in this character as parts of her personality relate to the character she will be asked to embody.

Daisy Rendell
Daisy Rendall is also studying a Level 3 National diploma Performing arts BTEC and is doing well in all her classes, she should also be able to make a smooth transisition into the character as her and my character also have many similarities in their personality.

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