Thursday 2 December 2010

Character Description

For each of the fictional characters featured in my short film I thin k it is important to get a brief description of each one to help me find my actors and continue with my script and storyboard.

I decided to collect a few key words to describe each character with a brief synopsis of their personality.


  • Caring
  • Calm
  • Mature
I want Yasmin to come across as a conscientious, warm and nurturing character. I want to portray her as more down to earth and empathetic than Daisy the sympathy towards the Mystery Man in this story is key to the development so it's important to incorporate that into the representation of this character.


  • Juvenile
  • Excitable
  • Extrovert
I'm aiming to depict Daisy as a stereotypical girl of that age, outgoing, loud, lazy, self involved but fun and lovable. I think it's important that Yasmin's character provides an almost maternal figure to Daisy in this story as it helps to highlight her immaturity and explain why she finds the incident entertaining rather than sympathizing with the Mystery Man.


  • Quiet
  • Absent
  • Lonely
I am determined to release as little information or sign of any personality to this character as the more illusive he seems the more of an opportunity for the audience to make their own assumptions on where he is from, why he is there and who he really is. The only character points I want to illustrate about this man is how unusual he appears to be with subtle hints of sadness and melancholy. The last scene will prove the character to be thoughtful and appreciative of Yasmin's kind gesture as well as creating more mystery surrounding the character.

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